Naturally. Distinctively. Powerfully.

The Talk About Your Business Workshop

Been shying away from speaking up about your business?

One of the challenges we hear all of the time from business owners (even highly successful, established ones) is that they struggle with how to introduce themselves and their business. Or -- equally important -- that their clients and colleagues aren't sure how to refer to them.

If you want to stop being the best-kept secret in your industry, both of these things need to change! That's the purpose of the Talk About Your Business Workshop.


Stop hiding out, holding back, and missing opportunities to share the TRUE value of what you do with the world.


The anatomy of a compelling message (whether it's an in-person introduction, a social media bio, or an "About" page.)

Why even your biggest fans are not referring business to you (and how to change that).

How to navigate the "tell us a little about yourself" or "so, what do you do?" questions without missing a beat. You'll walk away with some powerful soundbites you can start using right away!

Come enhance and practice how you talk about what you do, while connecting with other small business visionaries along the way.

We can’t wait to see you there!

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When you sign up, you'll also receive my free weekly email series, Radiate. Expect potent tips to help you stand out as the obvious choice for your next-level clients. (You can unsubscribe at any time.)

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