Growing from ‘Enoughness’

2019 was a great year for me.

I'd hit a lot of milestones in my business and, for the first time, I can say that anything truly felt possible for me.

So when I sat down to do my annual planning for 2020 (without any real clue of what it would bring, of course...) I was really surprised to find a wave of resistance rising in my body.

I was finally perfectly positioned to set my sights high and get some ambitious intentions down on paper, but I wasn’t feeling it. There was something inside me that was asking me to slow down and actually be where I was before charting my next destination.

That's the day that I discovered “enoughness” as one of my core values.

If you’ve got high achiever and perfectionist tendencies like me, perhaps you can relate to the feeling that you’ve already done enough “achieving” in your lifetime.

Yes, I want to continue to create, serve, and grow.

And I never again want to feel like I have to.

Not for approval. Not for recognition. And certainly not for my own self-acceptance!

I only want to grow from a place of believing and celebrating that what I have right now – my business, my body, my relationships, my life – are more than enough.

I want to fight the societal narrative of “more more more”, and focus my energy on the people and things that are already right in front of me. To water the seeds I’ve already planted!

So my 2020 plan looked really different than all others before. It turned out to be a bit of a manifesto that I’ve continued to revisit and repurpose every year. (And 2020 turned out even better than 2019… even without all the traditional striving.)

I thought I’d share it with you in case you desire a different approach for 2023.

Here it is:

Revel. Savour. Be. The Enoughness Manifesto.

This year is about truly being where I am. Rooted in my innate value and enoughness.

This is the path. It won’t “get me” there. It IS there. I AM there.

This year is about a deepening into what is.

Radical gratitude and acceptance.

It’s about how I feel and who I’m being. Right now.

My job is not to build a business. It is to build myself.

To see and love what is right in front of me. And stop looking over there.

From this place of enoughness, I will grow.

I will notice inspiration that comes from truth.

And I will have the spaciousness to harness it in the moment and create from that place.

Right now, my business will stay simple and focused. It is enough. I am enough.

I will lean into what is already happening and unfolding. And fully nurture the seeds that have already been planted and are yearning for water so they can bloom.

This is the first half of the manifesto. The second half changes each year with the (heart-based) strategies that are coming up most strongly for me. You can see my full 2020 manifesto here, if you’re curious!

Friend, you are truly enough. You’ve done enough. Your business is good enough. I invite you to sit and revel in that truth and see how your intentions and plans for the next year evolve knowing there’s nothing you have to do!

To growing from enoughness!



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