Fixing an Imbalanced Brand - The 3 Elements

Meaning + Value + Originality.

These are the three elements of a Substantial Brand.

When a brand has all three of these in place, it has that “it” factor that generates client love and word of mouth. It's more easily marketable because there's so much to say about it… without fabrication or gimmicks.

I developed this model years ago and I love applying and teaching it because it simplifies the heck out of building a strong brand. Plus, it provides the answer to a lot of the common struggles, too.

Like why your brand might not be resonating fully with your people… or yourself!

If you’ve never heard me talk about these elements before, here’s is a quick definition of each:

Meaning: How you matter.

Connecting with people on a deeper emotional level. Heart! Your closely held values and vision for a better world.

Value: How you serve.

Delivering a transformation to your clients that they want and need. Meeting them where they’re at with a promise that’s relevant to them.

Originality: How you stand out.

Doing it differently – in a way that’s better for your people or the planet. Breaking away from the industry mould and doing the unexpected.

Now. How can this model help you today?

Often I notice that we naturally lean towards one or two of these areas in our brand or business, leaving gaps in the other areas. I’ve developed a little archetype system to explain what happens when this goes unchecked:

1: We naturally connect from the heart (Meaning) and are heavily focused on the change we’re trying to create in the world – but people have a hard time discerning what they can actually buy from us. I call these Brand Altruists.

2: We have a strong and compelling message of Value and are great at talking about the results we provide, but potentially lack a deeper connection to our people, our purpose, or what truly makes us unique. This archetype is the Brand Utilitarian. 

3: We love to change things up and teach new ideas (Originality), but taken too far, we can come off as flaky, inaccessible, or unpredictable. These are Brand Wild Cards.

(It’s common to be strong in two areas and lacking in one. Personally, I find Meaning and Originality come most naturally to me and need to make a point of remembering to showcase Value, too.) 

Start by finding balance.

You want your brand to be strong in all three of these areas – so which one do you think you might need to dial up?

Bringing balance to lopsided or incomplete brands is one of my greatest joys! I’ve helped clients breathe humanity and heart into once cold and corporate brands. I’ve helped altruistic world-changers finally land the message that helps them connect with and attract clients. And I’ve helped undersharers and recovering boring people (I can say that because I’m one of them!) discover just how much they have to say and step fully into their creative, innovative genius.

So, no matter where you are today, I promise that you have everything you need to build a brand with that "it factor". We all have what it takes to create a substantial brand that’s worth mentioning.

Reach out to chat if you're having trouble seeing it.

To business with substance!
- Lisa


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